February 2, 2016 / By yorkshiredampcourse

During December 2015 Martin Hughes, Managing Director of Catrake Ltd (trading as Yorkshire Dampcourse), took the new Property Care Association (PCA) Invasive Weed Group qualification examination “Certified Surveyor in Japanese Knotweed” – C.S.J.K.
During February 2016 the results were (at last) announced, confirming a pass and allowing the use of the qualification initials above. These join Martin’s degree qualification (Agriculture) and Property Care Association recognised qualifications in Damp and Timber surveying and Structural Waterproofing surveying – C.S.R.T. and C.S.S.W.
This qualification pass makes Martin one of the earliest holders of this qualification in the UK. All members of the PCA Invasive Weed Group must have this qualification for its lead surveyor by April 2017.